Akin Euba

The quality of [Laura Falzon’s] performance was outstanding.

Akin Euba
Composer and Andrew Mellon Professor of Music, University of Pittsburgh; Director of the CIMA; Visiting Fellow, Churchill College, Cambridge

Kenneth Zammit Tabona

Laura Falzon’s flautism was ethereal.

Kenneth Zammit Tabona
"Eloquent and expressive", The Sunday Times of Malta

Patricia Spencer

What terrific playing! I loved all the different colors you got on the low C at the beginning of Interchangeable Galaxies! And the non-vibrato parts were especially impressive … a diminuendo with the clarinet that was magical, and others too!

Patricia Spencer

Roy Travis

She is really an outstanding virtuoso.

Roy Travis
Composer and Emeritus Professor of Music at the University of California

David Campbell

I have been struck by her real commitment to the music she is playing at the time — whether standard repertoire or the most challenging contemporary pieces. She always plays with a strong but beautiful tone and displays a wonderful sense of style and musicianship which is totally appropriate for whatever piece she is performing. Her knowledge of contemporary techniques is excellent.

David Campbell
International Concert Clarinettist

World Music Central

…the world premiere of [Akin Euba’s] Study in Polyrhythm No. 3, for flute and piano, [was] expertly played by Ms. Falzon and Ms. Hong. [Halim El-Dabh’s] Big Tooth Aspen for flute and derabucca (goblet-shaped ceramic hand drum), a virtuosic, avant-garde composition requiring a variety of extended flute techniques, [was] expertly executed by Ms. Falzon.

World Music Central, New York

Albert Storace

Those present…were regaled to some very fine, I would say brilliant, flute playing by Laura Falzon…The same calm confidence displayed in the Arnold (Concerto No 1) was supreme in the more virtuoso showpiece which concluded the concert and which saw a good part of it encored. The work in question was François Borne’s Fantaisie Brillante on Bizet’s Carmen which Miss Falzon turned into a triumph of technical precision yet one of warmth too.

Albert Storace
The Times of Malta


L-aktar haga pożittiva mill-kuncert kollu…kien il-Concertino ghall-flawt ta’ Cecile Chaminade li daqqet Laura Falzon. Dil-muzicista ghandha kontroll fuq in-nifs u desterità tas-swaba li jaghtuha spazju mhux ftit halli tirraffina fl-espressività tad-daqq taghha…il-partitura brillanti u t-tiżwiq ta’ kuluri jiswew mhux ftit bhala preludju ghal kadenza tassew eleganti. Post fejn il-flawtista setghet turi ftit x’taf.


Andreas Papakyriacou

… a sensitive performer with good taste and musicality, equipped with an excellent technique and passion for music.

Andreas Papakyriacou
Head of Music, Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation

The Banffshire Journal

Laura Falzon…played with consummate command of her instrument…both performers displaying enormous virtuosity …these artists created a balance of rich harmony…the balance was excellent with the instruments talking to each other wonderfully…her…performance throughout, being not only undaunted by the technical demands of what she was playing but also imbuing the whole with sensitivity and feeling which was quickly conveyed into the appreciative audience.

The Banffshire Journal

Harvey Sollberger

Thanks for your lively and sensitive recording of Pwyl. It’s great to hear it make its way through your sensibility. Familiar and yet new. … [It] finds and brings out more of the work’s lyricism … Brava!

Harvey Sollberger
Flutist and composer

Sunday Times of Malta

Remarkably brilliant.

The Sunday Times of Malta

Shirish Korde

You play the piece beautifully!

Shirish Korde

Lina Galea

Falzon kienet limpida ferm fil-hoss. L-ewwel moviment kien nadif u car, kellha espressjoni fl-Adagio u temp preciz matul l-esekuzzjoni kollha.

Lina Galea
Lehen is-Sewwa